Thursday, April 20, 2006

Why Don't We See Or Hear Discussions About This Supposedly Big Issue?

You won't likely find good, open-minded discussions about this issue in the mainstream media or elsewhere.

In the public arena:
  • Newspapers and TV stations like to make $$. They don't want to lose Hispanic readers or upset the advertisers who target/include Hispanics.
  • Politicians don't want to lose Hispanic voters (present and future). On the contrary, the Republican and Democrat parties are vying for control of this emerging electorate. They want to win them over, not risk offending them.
  • Observe the mass protests that occurred in early April when some congressmen tried to toughen immigration legislation. Now they are running scared.
In more private discussions (the workplace, friends, church, community):
  • Mexicans are people, they aren't just a number or a statistic. We don't want to say things that sound negative or insensitive.
  • America today is so focused on being "politically correct" and non-discriminatory that people are afraid to have an honest, candid discussion about these immigration issues.
With all these constraints on open-ended debate, the only real data or discussion will be relegated to obscure government studies, a few independent media outlets that may already be dismissed by many as "radical", or as you see here, in blogs.

The key is that we must focus on the big picture, not the individual immigrant(s) that we know. The big picture is going to make dramatic, transformational changes that we can't just close our eyes to. If we are afraid to talk about and confront the issues we risk being overtaken by events. We can not rely on politicians to do our thinking for us. They are bound by the "popularity contest" that keeps them in power, which they seek to manipulate for their own gain (as always).

As far as Internet blogs go, unless you are actively looking for it, I doubt you'll find a lot of discussions on this topic that are trying to grab your attention. Search engines are deluged with blog links from paid bloggers who cross-reference each other and pay money to the search engines. Blogs from the average Joe will be buried, and perhaps 5% of net surfers actually look deeper than hit #30 from searches.


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